Leszek Zinkow  


Some Selected Publications (all publications HERE)

Books in Polish

Nad Wisłą, nad Nilem... Starożytny Egipt w piśmiennictwie polskim (do 1914 roku) [Legacy of Ancient Egypt in Polish literature (until 1914)], Collegium Columbinum, Kraków 2006 (ISBN 83-89973-35-9; 327 pages) OPEN LIBRARY

Imhotep i pawie pióra. Z dziejów inspiracji egipskich w architekturze polskiej [„Imhotep and peacock feathers”. The history of Egyptian inspiration in Polish architecture], Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków 2009 (ISBN 978-83-7188-137-4; 214 pages) OPEN LIBRARY

Egipt circa 1850. Orient i transgresje, WAM/Ignatianum, Kraków 2014 (ISBN 978-83-277-0064-3; 310 pages)

Sfinks. Symbol i transformacje, Wydawnictwo WAM / Ignatianum, Kraków 2016 (ISBN 978-83-7614-224-1; 346 pages)

Tadeusz Samuel Smolenski 1884-1909. Pisma naukowe i publicystyczne [selected works of T. Smolenski, Polish egyptologist] (with J. Śliwa), Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków 2010 (ISBN 978-83-7638-046-9; 388 pages)

„Kto nie widział Kairu, nie widział piękności świata...”. Egipt w relacjach prasowych polskich podróżników drugiej połowy XIX wieku [Anthology of Polish travellers in Egypt, 19th cent.], Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków 2011 (ISBN 978-83-7638-088-9; 360 pages)

Starożytny Egipt w poezji polskiej. Od Biernata z Lublina do Macieja Zembatego [Ancient Egypt in Polish Poetry], Wydawnictwo Ignatianum, Kraków 2018 (ISBN: 978-83-7614-384-2; 272 pages)

Recent Papers (selected)

From Egyptology to Novel. Ups and Downs of Polish Literary ‘Egyptological’ Fiction, „Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization” 10 (2007), pp. 165-179

„House in Colours of Pyramids...” Egyptian Revival Style in Polish Architecture: The Egyptian House in Cracow, „Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization”, 12 (2008), pp. 127-133

Two grave sphinxes from the Rakowicki Cemetery in Cracow, „Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization” 13 (2009), pp. 97-101

Egyptian Revival in Central Europe; Research Project Proposal, in: Proceedings of the Fifth Central European Conference of Egyptologists, Pułtusk 2009, pp. 205-213

‘Were I not Polish, I would like to be Greek’. Anna Neumann - the forgotten enthusiast of Greece, „Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization” 14, s. 229-235

[Rev:] Brian A. Curran, Anthony Grafton, Pamela O. Long, Benjamin Weiss, Obelisk: A History, „Przegląd Orientalistyczny” 3-4 (2010), pp. 229-232

The „Egyptian House”, Hans Makart and Cleopatra from Krakow, „Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization” 15 (2011), pp. 275-285

Pharaonic Disguise. Egyptianizing Staffage of Modern Politics, „Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization” 16 (2012), pp. 269-276

Pop-Pharaohs - ‘Reversed Pharaohs’: Remarks on the Carnavalized Model of the Reception of Egypt, in: K. Dominas, E. Wesolowska and B. Trocha (eds.), Antiquity in Popular Literature and Culture, Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle upon Tyne 2016, pp. 193-204

Some remarks on Egyptomania in Austro-Hungarian Galicia, in: Egypt and Austria IX - Perception of the Orient in Central Europe (1800-1918), Proceedings of the Symposium held at Betliar from October 21st to 24th 2013, L. Hudáková and J. Hudec (eds.), 2016, pp. 359-380

Assessing participatory journalism in Poland: Salon24.pl at ten, „International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics”, Volume 12 Issue 3, 2016, pp. 385-388

The Woman-Doctor in the Age of Pyramids. A Few Cultural Reflections on the Status of Women in Ancient Society, in: A. Obara-Pawłowska, A. Miączewska, D. Wróbel (red.), Kobieta niepoznana na przestrzeni dziejów, Lublin 2017, pp. 15-26

The Art of Two Easts. The Great Sphinx on the Woodblock Prints of Hiroshi Yoshida, „Perspektywy Kultury/Perspectives on Culture”, 4(19), 2017, pp. 9-18

Ancient Egypt and the Polish Archaeological Research in Egypt in Popular Science Magazines in 1946-1990, „Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia”, no. 16, 2018, pp. 88-100

Необычная коллекция князя Николая Радзивилла, in: Библиотеки и музеи в современной образовательной и социокультурной среде: сохранение традиций и перспективы развития. Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции, посвященной 75-летию факультета информационно-документных коммуникаций Белорусского государственного университета культуры и искусств, Минск 2019, ч. 2, pp. 142-146

Egypt in the Early 20th Century in the Light of Newspaper Essays of Tadeusz Smoleński, „Perspektywy Kultury / Perspectives on Culture” 4 (31), 2020, pp. 9-28

A Few Observations on Pope John Paul II’ s Relationship to the Ancient World, „Perspektywy Kultury / Perspectives on Culture”, 1 (32), 2021, pp. 69-77

Issues of the Ancient Near East in Polish Women’s Press in the 19th– and early 20th Century (1), „Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia” no. 19, 2021, pp. 283-295

The Sphinx and the Awakenings of Egypt , „Perspektywy Kultury / Perspectives on Culture” 2 (37), 2022, pp. 49-56

Bolesław Prus’s Pharaoh(s) – Two Literary Visions of the Human Condition and Our Fascination with Ancient Egypt, „Journal of Egyptian History”, 15.1, 2022, pp. 83-106 (co-author: J. Popielska-Grzybowska)

Issues of the Ancient Near East in Polish Women’s Press in the 19th– and early 20th Century (2) – Bluszcz [Ivy], „Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia” no. 20, 2022, pp. 456-468

The Polish Contribution to Egyptian Motifs in the Architecture of Synagogues, „Studia Żydowskie. Almanach” 13, 2023, pp. 11-23

A Few Observations on the Cultural Aspects of 19th Century Polish Archeology, „Perspektywy Kultury / Perspectives on Culture” 4/2023 (43), pp. 693-702

Issues of the Ancient Near East in Polish Press in the 19th Century – „Kłosy”, „Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia” no. 21, 2023, pp. 147-160

Some papers available at

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