Leszek Zinkow

✉ leszekzi(at)interia(dot)pl  


You can click links to the list of my ‣ PUBLICATIONS and ‣ PROJECTS on which I work, including ones planned for more or less distant future.

My research interests include comparative cultural studies, especially the reception of the multifaceted heritage of the ancient East, mainly Egypt (historical and mythological narratives, symbolism) in European culture from antiquity to modern times, with special emphasis on Poland. I am also interested in travel writing related to Oriental destinations (text editions) and cultural tourism, scientific journalism, history of contemporary culture (19th-21st centuries), history of museums and collecting, history of the media (especially travel press), cultural transfer and trans-cultural research.

I graduated from Jagiellonian University (MA, PhD). I work at the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw.

I am a member of the International Association of Egyptologists (Mainz, Germany), the Commission on Classical Philology of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Polish Society of Cultural Studies.

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